Jaegerot Rottweilers

Jaegerot Rottweilers

Jaegerot Rottweilers

Jaegerot Rottweilers
*** Home to CH Jezeve Sherbet JW ShCM & CH Jaegerot Cheeky Vimto JW ***
We are a small hobby kennel based in Warwickshire, we only have a litter when we want to keep a new family member and we aim to breed to the standard, for type, temperament and all of our dogs are health tested in-line with the KC requirements.
I have recently been passed to judge at Championship level and have been involved in the breed since the early 80's, showing and breeding since 2009 and in total our dogs have achieved 20 CC's, 29 RCC's & 6 Stud Book Numbers from our 8 past and present dogs. We are always looking for the most loving of homes for our puppies and provide a lifetime of support.