Agnes Linton-Smith
East Brackley House
KY13 9LU
Tel: 07803 134408

Virlees Cassandra from Rottsteddy "Photo by Bruce Miller"

Virlees Cassandra from Rottsteddy

Virlees Cassandra from Rottsteddy "Photo By W.T. Images"

Virlees Cassandra from Rottsteddy "Photo by W.T. Images"
A Rottweiler owner and lover since 1986 we have been privileged to own dogs from some of the most prestigious lines the UK has produced.
Our greatest pleasure has been to share our home and lives with these wonderful dogs, occasionally dipping into the show world, with some loving the limelight and others preferring a quieter life at home.
All are pets and much loved family members. I am hoping that Bronte will bring us into the world of breeding for the first time, this is the reason I haven't yet become a KC accredited breeder, but Bronte and any future puppies will be assured of platinum standards and we will adhere to all KC recommendations.
She is hip and elbow scored, (3:5 and 0 respectively) heart and eyes tested clear, JLPP clear, long coat clear, shortly to take her third temperament test which will see her graded Excellent, (this is self evident as her many friends will testify) and she won her KC Stud Book Number under breed specialist and internationally recognised judge Isabelle Nicol (Jacraila) at Border Union in 2016.
temperament test